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Privacy Policy

1. By agreeing to the GENERAL TERMS on the Site, the Customer voluntarily shares personal information and does so in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. Six81 Tactical undertakes not to use the latter, not to make them available to third parties unless it is expressed by mentioned.

2. In the event that the Customer has provided false personal data, Six81 Tactical shall be exempt from any warranties, and any obligations shall be deemed null and void

3. Six81 Tactical respects strict confidentiality and personal data storage will comply with Bulgarian legislation, applicable international acts, Internet ethics, morality rules, and good morals.

4. Six81 Tactical undertakes not to disclose any personal data about the Customer to third parties - state authorities, commercial companies, individuals, and others, except in the cases where the Client has given explicit written consent, the information is requested by state authorities or officials, which according to the current legislation have the power to request and collect such information.

5. Six81 Tactical is required to protect and keep the credit card information provided.

6. Six81 Tactical has the obligation to publish any amendments regarding the collection, storage, or sharing of personal data on the site.
